Web Based LightUp Speakers!
Hi there! I just wanted produce a blog post on my final project for the year.
For my final project of the year, I built a light up speaker. However I just did another blog post about that! This one is a little bit different...
For starters, this speaker is much larger(even though the cost of the part was around the same). The speakers alone will pull up to 200 watts from the wall(however I have limited it to around 100 so I don't damage any components and save my hearing). There are about 100 neopixel leds on the project, so the light count is higher as well. However, numbers don't mean anything. The best feature of this speaker is how you connect to it!
The speaker utilizes a Raspberry Pi microcomputer to act as the brains of the machine. This raspberry pi allows the speaker to be controlled via a web interface(however it should remain behind a firewall as port forwarding is not a good idea, unless you want some to play random music on your raspberry pi, or really take over your network for that matter). This web interface allows you to choose music from various music hosting websites such as Spotify, soundcloud and TuneIn.
How did I do that? Well, I actually dislike sitting at a desk and programming for more than 2-4 hours at a time, and I'm definantly not experienced enough to program this entirely by myself. So I used cool framework called mopidy, which basically runs the backend of the server, and handles all the tasks of streaming and finding the music. All I did was install it using the terminal, and configure the settings and modify the exiting interface, and set it to boot on startup. But still, it's pretty awesome that I can just on any browser and type the internal ip the the speaker and change the music!!
Heres a build log of the physical project!!
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